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Spring 2023 Course Descriptions: 100-400 Level

SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE! Always check the University online schedule for the latest changes.

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HIS 101-01: The Contemporary World

10119 MWF 10:00-10:50
Jeff Jones

This course examines the world by region—Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America—with a number of themes in mind: the Cold War; the rise and fall of communism; nationalism; violent vs. non-violent resistance to oppression; the rise of terrorism; gender relations; colonialism/de-colonization; racial/ethnic/religious diversity and conflict; and the international economy.
Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GMO; GN; MFND

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HIS 204: History of Africa from 1870

10120 ONLINE asynchronous
Colleen Kriger

When, how, and why did European nations colonize the African continent? And, an equally important question, What is the legacy of European colonialism in Africa today? This course examines major themes in recent African history, and discusses theoretical debates in the history of Africa during the colonial period and since. Topics to be covered include: the imposition of colonial rule and wars of resistance; styles of colonial rule; theories of underdevelopment and the effects of colonial policies; Pan-Africanism, nationalism, and independence movements; the creation of apartheid; decolonization; and issues facing independent Africa such as neo-colonialism and the dismantling of apartheid. These themes will be studied with reference to the regions of west, east, central, and southern Africa.
Field: Wider World. Markers: ADS; GHP; GN; GPM; MGIL

HIS 207-04: "Empires and the Atlantic World to 1800"

10126 ONLINE asynchronous March 2 to May 1, 2023
Ashley Gilbert

The central focus of this course will be on pre-colonization societies, colonization, and the Age of Revolutions while giving agency to Africans, Native Americans, and Europeans. These three groups played vital roles in the creation of an Atlantic World. From contact in 1492 to the Haitian Revolution, the interactions and decisions of these groups had global impacts. This course will not only look at the construction of an Atlantic World, but also the preservation, changes, and growth of cultures and societies.
Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GN; GPM; IGS; MGIL

HIS 208-01: "The Cold War in Fact and Film"

10129 TR 11:00-12:15
Mark Moser

In this course, we will search for answers and a better understanding of our recent past as we examine the major events of the Cold War from three different historical perspectives: primary source documents, scholarly secondary sources, and finally, several feature films containing Cold War themes. Major topics examined will include, but not be limited to, the origins of the Cold War, Soviet and American ideology, the nuclear arms race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and numerous proxy wars fought around the globe. The primary objective of the course will be to have students work to separate historical fact from historical fiction regarding this major event in world history. Field: Europe. Markers: GHP; GL; GMO; IGS; MHFA

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HIS 209-01: "Introduction to Islamic History and Civilization, 1200 C.E. - present"

10132 MWF 11:00-11:50
Asa Eger

By the tenth and eleventh centuries, Islamic civilization from Spain to Central Asia had reached its peak with a system of elaborate cities, expansive trade networks, and profound achievements in arts and architecture, science, literature, law, political and religious thought. However, by the twelfth century, contact with western European world with the onset of the Crusades and with the eastern world with the advent of Turkic nomads fundamentally transformed the course of Islamic civilization. In this course we will examine how these changes reverberated through medieval and modern Islamic history in two parts. The first part will familiarize students with the dynamic history and changes in Islamic cultural process from time of the Crusaders through the legacy of the Mongols. The second part will explore the transition of the medieval to modern Islamic world, focusing on the formation of the "gunpowder" Ottoman, Safavid, and Moghul Indian empires and the effects of nationalism in shaping the modern Middle East. Throughout the course we will focus on themes of tradition and change in Islamic society with the assimilation, influence, and conflict of non-Arab and non-Muslim cultures. Our approach will be interdisciplinary. We will look at the history, art and architecture, archaeology, environment, literature, and religion of Islamic civilization. Field: Wider World. GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

HIS 209-02: "Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century"

10134 ONLINE asynchronous
Mark Moser

This course will begin with excerpts from Hannah Arendt's 1951 study The Origins of Totalitarianism and proceed to examine totalitarian regimes chronologically throughout the 20th century. We will study totalitarianism on both sides of the political spectrum and seek to understand why it proved to be both resilient and persistent. Relying heavily on primary source documents, we will also examine the common methodologies used by totalitarian regimes to seize unlimited power.
Field: Wider World. GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

HIS 209-03 - "Women in Modern World History"

10553 ONLINE asynchronous
Katharine Duckworth

In this course, we will explore some of the major themes in the study of women and world history since 1750, focusing primarily on Africa, Latin America, Europe, and the United States. We will consider how women's experiences have changed over time and differed according to location. The course will examine four topics in-depth a) the Atlantic slave system b) the rise of industrial capitalism c) women and imperialism and d) women's political activism. Students will learn how to analyze a variety of primary sources and evaluate historical debates. Students will analyze how researching women and gender changes our understanding of major topics in world history and sheds light on contemporary politics. Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

HIS 210: Human Rights in Modern World History

This course provides a conceptual and historical introduction to the idea of human rights, surveying major developments in the advocacy of human rights around the globe from 1760 to the present. Focusing on a selection of important events, historical figures, and international issues of global significance, this course explores human rights in international law, transnational movements, and global causes. By understanding how claims of "humanity" arise from grassroots struggles, this course will widen the historical inquiry on this topic from a World, rather than Eurocentric, perspective. The concept of "human rights" has not remained static over time; it has been a contested idea and the subject of debate and disagreement among its advocates as well as its detractors. Placing the debates around, and the uses of, "human rights" in historical context will be the main endeavor of this course.
Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

10145 210-01 ONLINE asynchronous Felton Foushee
10147 210-02 TR 5:00-6:15 p.m. Robert Skelton

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HIS 211: United States History to 1865

General survey of American history from colonization through the Civil War. All sections are Writing Intensive.
Field: United States. Markers: GHP; GMO; MDEQ; CW; WI

10165 211-01 MWF 11:00-11:50 Watson Jennison
10169 211-03: TR 11:00-12:15 Mandy Cooper
10555 211-04: ONLINE asynchronous Emilee Robbins
10656 211-81 ONLINE asynchronous Christine Flood Winter session Dec. 12, 2022 - Jan. 19, 2023 only

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HIS 212: United States History since 1865

General survey of American history from Reconstruction to the present. All sections are Writing Intensive. Field: United States. Markers: GHP; GMO; MDEQ CW; WI

10172 212-01 TR 6:00-7:15 p.m. Jonathan Baier
10173 212-02 TR 8:00-9:15 a.m. Susan Thomas
10175 212-03: ONLINE asynchronous Jan. 9, 2023 to March 1, 2023 Andrew Turner

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HIS 213-01: "American Indian Wars"

10265 MW 5:00-6:15 p.m.
Stuart Marshall

The term "Indian War" brings to mind images of the "Wild West," Custer's defeat at Little Bighorn, or perhaps the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890. This course covers these events but expands the term "Indian War" to consider the central role of indigenous people in the history of U.S. conflict and their various struggles for survival through the mid-to-late nineteenth century. The course will investigate not only the battlefields of the post-Civil War West, but the prolonged resistance of diverse Native peoples across the country and the many strategies they used to defend their homelands, tribal sovereignty, citizenship rights, and their lives. Students will evaluate everything from the staggering costs of Seminole armed resistance to Removal, the overlap of the Mexican-American War with longer Indian wars, the deep and varied involvement of Native people in the Civil War, and Apache resistance in the nation's longest war.
Field: United States. Markers: GHP; GMO; MDEQ

HIS 213-02: "Experiences of Childhood in America"

10556 TR 9:30-10:45
Abigail Shimer

This course will cover the history of childhood in America from colonial times to the present. Students will cover how cultural ideals of childhood changed over time, as well as how region, race, class, and the law impacted the lived experiences of children. Issues covered include the changing education standards, child labor, moral and safety fears about children, and the changing ideas of how to parent children. As a class, we will examine various primary and secondary sources to see how children can be found in many unlikely places.
Field: United States. Markers: GHP; GMO; MDEQ

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HIS 216-01 - Civilizations of Asia II

10266 MWF 12:00-12:50
James Anderson

How is Modern East Asia "modern"? What do we mean by this term? Can we understand the recent history of the region, if we focus exclusively on the Asian response to the arrival of Western powers in the region? This course will examine political change, specifically the emergence of anti-colonial nationalist and communist movements, as well as related intellectual and social developments in East Asia since ca. 1800.
Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

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HIS 217: The World of the Twentieth Century (1900-1945)

10657 HIS 217-81 ONLINE asynchronous Mark Moser Winter session Dec. 12, 2022 - Jan. 19, 2023 only

Political, social, and economic forces affecting Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. 1900-1945.
Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

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HIS 218: The World since 1945

10267 ONLINE asynchronous David Wight

This class will examine global issues in the contemporary world, focusing mainly on the post-World War II period, from the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945, to the complex, high-tech, evolving world of today. We will examine some of the important political, economic, social, and cultural changes of the second half of the twentieth century and how these changes have shaped the world we live in today.
Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

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HIS 221: Medieval Legacy

MWF 9:00-9:50
Richard Barton

Survey of Western European history from the end of the Roman Empire to the fifteenth century exploring such varied aspects of the medieval experience as pilgrimage, crusade, peasant life, the emergence of national states, and the rise of the university. Field: Europe. Markers: GHP; GL; GPM; MHFA

The lecture portion of this class meets together on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00-9:50. Smaller discussion groups meet on Fridays at 9:00-9:50.

10269 221-01
10270 221-02

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HIS 223 - European Revolutions, 1789-1989

MWF 11:00-11:50
Teresa Walch

A survey of the political, social and cultural history of Europe from the time of the French Revolution to the fall of the Berlin wall. Emphasis will be placed on the political culture and the emergence of the great ideological systems of the West (e.g., liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, nationalism, and fascism) as well as how the borders and boundaries of Europe have changed over the last two hundred years with respect to class, race, gender and the nation state.
Field: Europe. Markers: GHP; GL; GMO; MHFA

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HIS 240: (Dis)order and Progress: Latin America since 1810

10273 MWF 10:00-10:50
Denisa Jashari

In this course, we will explore Latin American history from independence to the late twentieth century. This course is broad, geographically and temporally, but no prior knowledge of Latin American history is necessary. Drawing upon primary documents, audio and visual materials, and secondary historical literature, this course will explore the nation-building process and the ways that ordinary people interacted with the state. We will also analyze the construction of racial, class, and gender hierarchies in various Latin American contexts. We draw from case studies and national histories, but we will place these historical moments within a global perspective, elucidating how Latin American actors shaped imperial practices, nation-state formation, revolutionary and counterrevolutionary dynamics during the Cold War, and innovations in urban design, technology, and culture. In doing so, we will invert common perceptions of the region and understand Latin American actors in their own terms. Field: Wider World. Markers: GHP; GMO; GN; IGS; MGIL

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HIS 302: Race and Segregation

10274 MW 2:00-3:15 Watson Jennison

Race and segregation in the United States since the Civil War, including the origins of the Jim Crow laws, the civil rights movement, black urbanization, the Harlem Renaissance, black nationalism, and the African American experience in America.
Field: United States. Markers: ADS; GMO

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HIS 313 - The Viking Age

10275 MWF 11:00-11:50
Richard Barton

At the end of the 8th century CE, Scandinavian peoples erupted onto the historical stage in what has become known as the Viking diaspora. For the next several centuries, Scandinavian people interacted with settled cultures in Francia, Britain, the Baltic, and Eastern Europe through trade, raiding, and settlement. This course provides an examination of the Viking Age through a close examination of sources — both written and material — produced during this period. It first explores the nature of pre-migration Scandinavian life and culture, looking particularly at social structures, gender norms, religion and magic. It then moves to examine the dialectical relationship with Scandinavian peoples and the more 'settled' people of continental Europe; themes include the conversion of Scandinavia to Christianity, Vikings voyages of discovery and settlement, and the heavy impact of Viking raids in Francia, Britain, and Eastern Europe.
Field: Europe.

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HIS 317: Introduction to Public History

10372 TR 9:30-10:45 Torren Gatson

Explores the place of the past in contemporary life and introduces the field of public history: the effort to make history for and with audiences beyond the university.
Field: United States.

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HIS 326 - Using Photographs as Historical Evidence

10277 TR 3:30-4:45 Lisa Tolbert

This course takes a case study approach to evaluating the content and history of photographs as historical evidence. We will explore the history of photography by focusing on different types of photographs in particular social contexts from the evolution of portrait photography, to compelling images of the American Civil War, one of the earliest wars ever to be photographed, to the history of social documentary from the turn of the twentieth century through the Great Depression. Overall, we will strive to go beyond the use of photographs as mere illustrations to understand the richer meanings of their visual content as primary source evidence that must be critically evaluated in historical context. For example, Sojourner Truth financed her speaking tours in the 1860s by selling portraits of herself like this one. How has she chosen to present herself? What does this photograph tell us about race, gender, and class? Who would have bought this picture in the 1860s? You will select several different photographs to practice historical and visual analysis as the semester unfolds.
Field: United States. Marker: .GMO

HIS 328: U.S. Women's History to 1865

10279 TR 2:00-3:15 Mandy Cooper

A history of women in the U.S. to the Civil War. Topics include Native American gender systems, midwives, witchcraft, women's labor and education, families, slavery, and social reform.
Field: United States. Marker: WGS

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HIS 338 - Civil War, Reconstruction, and Reunion, 1848-1896

10280 TR 11:00-12:15
Mark Elliott

The Civil War and its aftermath marked a watershed in the social, ideological and political history of the nation, and its impact continues to be felt today. This course examines the American Civil War and its aftermath with an emphasis on the causes and consequences of the conflict between the North and South. It traces the development of an antagonism between contrasting social, economic, and ideological systems, and examines the conflict from a national and international perspective . The political history of the war as well as its impact on people's lives—both on the battlefield and the homefront—is given special emphasis. The contentious issues that caused the war were not resolved in 1865, and the class follows the continuation of the issues until 1896. During Reconstruction, the attempt to reconstruct Southern society on the principle of equal citizenship raised contentious issues about the meaning of free labor, democratic equality, and Federal authority over the states that are examined in detail. The course will conclude by examining the myths, legends, and ideological legacies of both the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Field: United States.

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HIS 341 - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Real Story

10281 (CHANGED) ONLINE asynchronous
Linda Rupert

This course introduces students to the fascinating, complex, and changing role of corsairs, buccaneers, and privateers in shaping the emerging colonial economies, societies, and cultures of the early modern Caribbean. Few historical actors have been so thoroughly romanticized - or so completely decontextualized - as Caribbean pirates. From the daring exploits of the French corsairs and the Elizabethan privateers in the 1500s, to the independent buccaneer communities of the 1600s, to the gruesome trials and hangings of pirate outlaws in the early 1700s, piracy was intricately woven into the history of the region.
Field: Wider World. Markers: ADS; IGS

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HIS 346: Topics in Historical Memory - Modern Ukraine

10282 MW 3:30-4:45
Jeff Jones

Located in the heart of central Europe, Ukraine, which means "frontier region" or "borderlands," has been a contested part of the world for many years. This course will focus primarily on its modern history, looking briefly at its early roots, its historical relationship with Russia, and the rise of Ukrainian nationalism in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The bulk of the class will examine the defining tragedies and contested memories of the Soviet period such as the famine (Holodomor, or "death by hunger") of the early 1930s and World War II and the "Holocaust by Bullets" in Ukraine (1941-1945). We will end the course with the eventual rise of independent Ukraine and the challenges it has faced in the last three decades, including the current conflict underway there.

HIS 347: History of North Carolina

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10283 347-01 ONLINE asynchronous Christine Flood
14876 347-02 ONLINE asynchronous March 2, 2023 to May 1, 2023 Mark Moser

This is a survey course. It spans more than 400 years of state history - from colonization to the present. It is American history with the spotlight on North Carolina. Objectives of the course include an examination of:

  • when, how, and why North Carolina developed as it did.
  • How its actions and reactions were similar or different from the other states.
  • How the development of its economic, social, and political structure determines present-day North Carolina with special emphasis on such topics as: a) the economy b) politics c) race relations.
Field: United States

HIS 349: The World at War, 1939-1945

10284 TR 3:30-4:45
Mark Moser

Emphasis on the political systems responsible for the Second World War; military establishments that fought it, the populations that suffered it, and sociopolitical and cultural changes it brought about.
Field: Europe. Marker: GL

HIS 382: Viet Nam History, Culture, and Resistance

10557 MW 2:00-3:15
James Anderson

In the eyes of many Americans, there is little separation between the image of “Vietnam” and the tragic outcome of US involvement in the Second Indochina War. However, Vietnam as a nation and the Vietnamese as a people have existed in the region for over two thousand years, fighting during much of this time for both political autonomy and cultural self-identity. During the course of its history, Vietnam’s military adversary and cultural ally has often been China. Conversely, Chinese leaders have long believed that their empire shared a special bond with Vietnam, which at times promoted the impulse to subjugate their smaller neighbor. This course will consider the history of wars fought on Vietnamese soil within the larger context of political, social and cultural change. The course themes include; resistance of foreign aggression as an integral part of the Vietnamese nationalist narrative, Vietnamese self-identity in the shadow of Chinese domination, and the anti-colonial origins of the Vietnamese nationalist and Communist movements. It is my desire that, after the completion of this course, we will have a larger historical context in which we can more clearly evaluate the events of the last 50 years.
Field: Wider World. Marker: IGS

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HIS 389 - West Africa during the Atlantic Slave Trade

10558 ONLINE asynchronous
Colleen Kriger

How, why, and when did trade between Europeans and Africans along Africa's western coast become a trade in slaves across the Atlantic to the Americas? This course examines the history of this trade, how it was organized and carried out on the African side of the Atlantic, and how the slave trade and its abolition affected African societies.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .ADS .GHP .GN .IGS

HIS 391: Historical Skills and Methods

Writing and Research Intensive. Prerequisites: History major or minor and completion of all 200-level requirements for the major.

This is a required course for all history majors (except social studies concentration candidates who complete HIS 430 for research methods). It serves as a prerequisite for the capstone course in the major. Students in the course address a variety of research problems in history using different sources and methods in preparation for HIS 411. Formal goals include: analyzing varieties of primary and secondary source materials; designing a project focus; finding and evaluating appropriate sources; learning citation methods; understanding how historiography can guide us to significant questions and methods.
Marker: CW; WI

10597 391-01 MW 2:00-3:15  Denisa Jashari 
10599 391-02 TR 12:30-1:45 David Wight 

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HIS 392: The Holocaust: History and Meaning

10600 MW 2:00-3:15
Teresa Walch

This course examines the Holocaust on multiple scales - the local, national, continental, and global. The Holocaust had unique and contingent origins in Germany, but it cannot be understood without examining some important antecedents, and it was ultimately a European phenomenon with global, and long-lasting ramifications. This course will cover the timeframe of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with an emphasis on the critical years of 1933-1945. You will be introduced to the main historiographical debates surrounding Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, and you will be asked to reflect upon the all-important questions of how and why. You will encounter the voices of diverse individuals who experienced persecution by the Nazi regime. By the end of this course, you should be able to outline the ideological, political, material, and interpersonal dynamics of the Holocaust and to chart the timeline of historical events and the stages of radicalization.
Field: Europe. Marker: GL

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HIS 411A: Seminar in Historical Research and Writing: "Unraveling America: 1962-1972"

10801 TR 3:30-4:45
Thomas Jackson

As we seek to unravel complicated threads of cause and effect, of change and continuity in a pivotal decade, this class will help you refine skills of research, comparative source analysis, discussion, writing, and oral presentation. In the 1960s, wide swaths of Americans used the word "revolution" to advocate or resist a dizzying array of social, political, and cultural changes. Some historians title their survey books "the unraveling," or "the shattering," as they seek to explain the undoing of an "American consensus." The decade was without question polarizing. But my perspective is that that consensus was already frayed and fragile, and for good reason, since the American dream locked so many people out of the affluent middle-class cornucopia; further, as Vietnam demonstrated, the Cold War was unsustainable, waged on quicksand. Contentious and polarizing, idealistic and outrageous, this decade’s struggles for justice accomplished much and left much undone. The following subjects of inquiry fall within the scope of this class: the Black freedom struggle and related movements for liberation encompassing feminism and gay liberation; Cold War confrontations from the Cuban missile crisis to Vietnam; antiwar movements, including the soldiers’ antiwar movement; presidential and congressional action in civil rights and a new national "war on poverty"; urban racial and class revolts during the "long hot summers" 1964-1968; and of course, the populist conservative revolts against everything that “the Sixties” came to mean.
Writing and Speaking Intensive. Prerequisites: For social studies licensure students: HIS 430 and permission of instructor. For all other history majors: HIS 391 and permission of instructor.
Field: United States. Markers: CW; WI; SI

HIS 411C: Seminar in Historical Research and Writing: "Popular Protest in Chinese History"

10803 MW 3:30-4:45
James Anderson

This course will examine the nature of popular protest in Chinese history. Topics examined during the semester will include the role religion played as a source of social volatility in traditional Chinese culture and society, peasant revolutions, the May Fourth Movement, popular protest in the rise of nationalism and communism, and domestic political protest since the 1949 founding of the People’s Republic of China. Most importantly, students in this course will be responsible for individual research projects, for which they will locate and use historical source materials, written and oral, published and unpublished. Comparing and analyzing a variety of primary source materials, students will write their own histories of Chinese popular protest and in the end develop their skills in observing societies with different origins than their own.
Writing and Speaking Intensive. Prerequisites: For social studies licensure students: HIS 430 and permission of instructor. For all other history majors: HIS 391 and permission of instructor.
Field: Wider World. Markers: CW; WI; SI

HIS 420: "The South in the First Person"

10804 W 4:00-6:50
Watson Jennison

This course will examine southern U. S. history from colonial times to the present day through the prism of memoirs and other first-person accounts of the past. We will read primary sources written by indentured servants, Indians, slaves, slaveholders, civil rights workers, and segregationists, among others, to explore the experiences of the people themselves. Through these writings, southerners did not just narrate their lives. They created legacies as well, using their writings to both emphasize and obscure in order to present specific versions of the southern past. Cross-listed with HIS 520. Field: United States.

HIS 430: Historical Methods for Social Studies Teachers

10806 TR 2:00-3:15
Lisa Tolbert

Writing Intensive. Prerequisites: Middle Grades or Secondary Social Studies Licensure candidates who have completed HIS 308, HIS 316, and one other 300-level History elective for a total of 9 s.h.. or permission of instructor.

HIS 430 is an introduction to historical thinking and the research process designed to address these historical methods content standards for all social studies licensure candidates. The state of North Carolina requires that teacher candidates must demonstrate depth of content knowledge in "the process of critical inquiry in history and the social sciences used to examine change over time and develop historical perspectives," including: identifying and framing a problem, using primary and secondary resources, evaluating the credibility of sources, putting sources into historical context, investigating, interpreting, and analyzing multiple viewpoints, clearly and effectively articulating conclusions. The ultimate goal of the course is to understand the creative process of research within the discipline of history. Markers: CW; WI

'Major [John] Pitcairn at the head of the Regular Grenadiers,' detail from The Battle of Lexington, April 19th. 1775. Plate I, by Amos Doolittle, 1775. (New York Public Library)

HIS 434: The American Revolution

10807 TR 2:00-3:15
Greg O'Brien

Using primary documents, works by historians, and other sources, students will learn why the American Revolution happened when it did, how the war was won, and what the impacts were. While attention to the leaders of these actions is necessary, we will also examine the experiences of groups such as Loyalists, women, African Americans, and American Indians, whose roles challenge conventional interpretations of the Revolution. Finally, the course will examine how the Revolution gave birth to a new nation and new type of government under the Articles of Confederation and U.S. Constitution.
Field: United States. Crosslisted with HIS 534.

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HIS 442: "Civil War and 'Rebellion' in Europe, 1100-1700"

10809 MW 2:00-3:15
Richard Barton

This course studies conflicts between centralized authorities and their subjects across medieval and early modern Europe. We will consider both the ways in which contemporaries categorized such conflicts – whether as wars, rebellions, revolts, or civil wars – and the larger political implications of the act of categorization. After all, the period from 1100-1700 witnessed the emergence and consolidation of the State (what John Locke called 'Leviathan'), with the accompanying belief that the State possessed a monopoly of the legitimate use of violence and the right to define any actions that opposed itself as illegitimate. While we will not attempt to decide whether any individual conflict was 'truly' a revolt, a war, or a rebellion, we will want to consider the ways in which contemporary sources, incipient state power, and modern historians have all shaped the interpretation of a series conflicts. Among the conflicts we may examine include the wars fought by English kings against their barons in the 1130s, 1170s, 1210s, and 1250s; peasant and urban revolts of the 14th century; the internal wars encompassed by the Hundred Years War; the English Wars of the Roses; the French wars of religion; the Fronde, the English Civil War, and selected 'rebellions' in Early America. Crosslisted with HIS 542.
Field: Europe.

HIS 464: "War, Gender, and Crime in the Victorian News"

10812 TR 12:30-1:45
Jill Bender

What are reliable sources? How can the news be manipulated, and why? The role of the press in society has been a hotly debated topic in recent years, but not all of the questions asked are new. This course examines the role of newspapers in Victorian society, from the birth of war journalism in the 1850s to the sensationalist news of the late-nineteenth century. Students will analyze varying reports on several historical events — including the Crimean War, the 1857 Indian Uprising, the scandalous case of the "Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon," and the crimes of "Jack the Ripper" — for insight into Victorian-era Britain and its empire. Crosslisted with HIS 564.
Field: Europe. Marker: .WGS

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