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Fall 2020 Course Descriptions
100-400 Level

The History Department has changed many of our classes to online and hybrid formats to give our students a wider access to our classes should they not be able to attend campus classes in Fall 2020. Some classes will continue to meet online at the originally scheduled time. Please check Genie for CRNs and specific meeting times for hybrid sections. Classes that meet face-to-face have been moved to larger rooms in order to facilitate social distancing. Please check Genie for updates. Changes continue to be possible as our world changes.

SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE! Always check the University online schedule for the latest changes.

HIS 101-01: The Contemporary World

MWF 10:00-10:50 HYBRID
Jeff Jones

This course explores the historical background behind major issues of the contemporary world, including: colonialism/decolonization; the Cold War and other global conflicts; genocide; religious fundamentalism; and the role of women.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GN

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HIS 203-01 - History of Africa to 1870

80410 ONLINE
Colleen Kriger

What is civilization? This course examines the variety of African civilizations throughout the continent, from ancient times up to the 19th century, and how closer study of African history has prompted scholars to revise the way "civilization" is defined. We will focus on ancient civilizations in Africa, the empires and city-states of the Islamic period, and the rise of trade with Europe, especially the Atlantic slave trade and its effects on African societies.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .ADS .GHP .GN .GPM.

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HIS 206-01: "AfroEurasia to 1650"

80411 206-01 ONLINE
Timothy Reagin

This course surveys civilizations, religions, cultures, and societies in Europe, North Africa, and Asia from pre-history to about 1650 A.D. Our focus will be on political, religious, economic, social, cultural, and military trends as well as significant and representative people and events.
Field: Europe. Markers: .GHP .GL .GPM.

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HIS 206-02: "History of Christianity to 1648"

80412 206-02 ONLINE
Anderson Rouse

This course explores the history of Christianity until the end of the Thirty Years War. We will discuss the earliest history of Christianity, focusing on its religious, cultural, and historical context; the development of Christianity in the Roman World; Christianity after Constantine; Christianity in Medieval Europe; Christianities in Africa, Asia, and the Levant, after 500 CE (including Coptic Christianity and Eastern Orthodoxy); and the Protestant Reformation and the European wars of religion in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Field: Europe. Markers: .GHP .GL .GPM.

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HIS 207-01 and -02: "The Caribbean in World History: From Columbus to Haiti"

MWF 9:00-9:50 ONLINE
Linda Rupert

From Columbus's misguided attempt to find a route to Asia, to the outbreak of the Haitian Revolution (the world's only successful slave revolt) three hundred years later, the Caribbean was at the center of early modern world history. This course explores major moments in the region's history, their relationship to wider historical processes, and the impact on the lives of ordinary people. Topics include piracy, smuggling, the transatlantic slave trade, and plantation slavery.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GL .GMO .IGS

The lecture portion of this class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9-9:50. Smaller discussion groups meet on Fridays at 9:00-9:50.

80414 207-01 - MW 9-9:50, F 9-9:50 ONLINE
80415 207-02 - MW 9-9:50, F 9-9:50 ONLINE

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HIS 207-03 - "Islamic Civilization, 600-1200 C.E."

207-03 TR 9:30-10:45 HYBRID
Asa Eger

In the middle of the seventh century, Arab tribes coalesced and emerged from the Arabian Peninsula, conquering an enormous expanse of territory that reached from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the deserts of India in less than one hundred years. In the following centuries, Islamic civilization took shape, a dynamic process framed by Islamic ideals yet influenced by the many cultures this civilization embraced. The products of this civilization included magnificent monuments, extensive works of literature and science, far-flung trade routes that connected to east Asia, and new agricultural and technological innovations. This course will familiarize students with the history of the rise and spread of Islamic civilization as a complex and interdependent process that occurred throughout the Near East, North Africa, Spain, and Central Asia. We contextualize this process in the world before Islam and the rise of the Prophet Muhammad at the start of the seventh century and continue until the time of the Crusaders at the end of twelfth century. Our approach will be interdisciplinary. We will look at the history, art and architecture, archaeology, environment, literature, and religion of Islamic civilization.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GN .GPM .IGS.

HIS 207-04 - "Africans in the Atlantic World until 1800"

80419 ONLINE
Richard Smith

Africans and their descendants played a crucial role in the creation of the Atlantic World. While it is through slavery that much of the Atlantic world was constructed, free Africans and their descendants also played a crucial role. The purpose of this course is to view the various roles played by Africans in the molding and shaping of the Atlantic World. Although this course will study the role of the enslaved, it is the purpose of this class to move beyond slavery and illustrate the many different ways, both enslaved and free Africans, as well as their descendants contributed to the construction of the region known to posterity as the Atlantic World.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP.GL.GMO.IGS

HIS 208-01 and -02 - "European Expansion & Empires"

MWF 10:00-10:50 HYBRID
Jill Bender

The empires of France and Britain once included nearly 1/3 of the world's population. By the 1920s, the British Empire alone covered more than 14 million square miles of the world's surface. European imperialism is a reality of our past and has significantly shaped the world in which we live. This course provides a historical survey of European imperial expansion from the mid-eighteenth century to the late-twentieth century. We will pay particular attention to the cultural, social, and political ramifications of imperialism.
Field: Europe. Markers: .GHP .GL .GMO. IGS.

The lecture portion of this class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00-10:50. Smaller discussion groups meet on Fridays at 10:00-10:50 ONLINE.

208-01 - MW 10:00-10:50, F 10:00-10:50 HYBRID
208-02 - MW 10:00-10:50, F 10:00-10:50 HYBRID

HIS 209-01 and -02: "Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century"

80435 209-01 ONLINE
80437 209-02 ONLINE
Mark Moser

This course will begin with excerpts from Hannah Arendt's 1951 study The Origins of Totalitarianism and proceed to examine totalitarian regimes chronologically throughout the 20th century. We will study totalitarianism on both sides of the political spectrum and seek to understand why it proved to be both resilient and persistent. Relying heavily on primary source documents, we will also examine the common methodologies used by totalitarian regimes to seize unlimited power.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GMO .GN .IGS

HIS 209-03 - "Latin America in the Twentieth Century"

81856 209-03 ONLINE
William Zang

This course will explore the history of Latin America (defined here as Mexico, South America, the Spanish Caribbean, and Haiti) from the end of the 19 th century until the present day. Particular emphasis will be placed on the socioeconomic, cultural, and political structures and processes that shaped and continue to influence life in Latin America. Key issues such as colonialism, nationalism, democracy, foreign intervention, and revolution will be critically examined. Among the topics to be explored in detail will be the Mexican and Cuban revolutions, populism and dictatorship, US intervention in Latin America, socialism and neoliberalism, as well as migration.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GMO .GN .IGS

HIS 211 - United States History to 1865

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General survey of American history from colonization through the Civil War.
Field: United States. Markers: .GHP .GMO

80804 211-01 ONLINE Kaitlyn Williams

80805 211-02 ONLINE Jewel Parker

80806 211-03 ONLINE Carolyn McClure

80807 211-04 ONLINE Ethan Roy

HIS 212 - United States History since 1865

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212-01 through -03 David Wight

General survey of American history from Reconstruction to the present. Sections -01 through -03 are Writing Intensive.
Field: United States. Markers: .GHP .GMO .WI

The lecture portion of HIS 212-01 through -03 meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11:00-11:50. Smaller discussion groups meet on Fridays at 11:00-11:50.

80808 212-01 - MWF 11-11:50, ONLINE Writing Intensive
80809 212-02 - MWF 11-11:50, ONLINE Writing Intensive
80810 212-03 - MWF 11-11:50, ONLINE Writing Intensive

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HIS 213-01 Topics in American History: "The Slave Narratives"

80811 MWF 11:00-11:50 ONLINE Warren Milteer

This course will explore the history of human bondage and the pre-1865 United States through the narratives of enslaved people. We will read several narratives authored by enslaved men and women in order to evaluate the impact of human bondage on the lives of enslaved persons as well as those who lived around them. Through a careful reading of these narratives, students will learn about important features of slave narratives as a genre of biography. They will also learn how to evaluate these narratives as primary historical sources.
Field: United States. Markers: .GHP .GMO

HIS 213-03 - Topics in American History: "Southern Women's History"

TR 9:30-10:45 HYBRID Mandy Cooper

What does southern history look like when women's experiences and actions are placed at the center? This course will seek to answer this question by exploring the history of women in the U.S. South from pre-colonial times to the present. Students will examine the changing experiences and expectations of southern women and how these experiences and expectations were continually shaped by the intersections of gender, race, and class. The course will pay particular attention to the subjects of women and slavery, the impact of the Civil War on gender relations, the changing meaning of race and class in women's lives, women's suffrage in the South, and the Civil Rights Movement.
Field: United States. Markers: .GHP.GMO

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HIS 213-04 - Topics in American History: "The Depression and World War II"

80830 ONLINE Travis Byrd

The era of the Depression and the Second World War was the most intensely formative in modern American history, and in this period the South was "the Nation's No. 1 economic problem," as Franklin Delano Roosevelt said in 1938. The region was a bellwether of changes occurring across the United States. While national in scope, this course will therefore use the South as one specific lens through which to analyze larger trends and issues. We will range from the origins of the Depression to the New Deal and then the global emergency of the Second World War. We will examine postwar reconversion - a time that was certainly not "the best days of our lives" for those who experienced the upheaval of the former home front. Throughout, a cultural approach will be used to investigate the socioeconomics and politics of class, gender, and race in America from the late-1920s to the mid-1940s. Military history will be a key aspect of this course, too, as will international relations.
Field: United States. Markers: .GHP .GMO

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HIS 213-05 - Topics in American History: "Immigrants and Nativism"

80832 ONLINE Ashley Loper-Nowak

Is the United States a melting pot of immigrants or a mosaic of ethnicities? What is a national identity and how is it created and transformed? What is citizenship? Who is considered a citizen? Who is in and who is out? This class examines United States immigration from the 1880s to the present day. Students will compare the experiences of various immigrant groups, explore the development of immigration policy, and examine how nativist movements responded to immigrants. By exploring the three "waves" of immigration, students will seek a historical understanding of how American society and culture transformed and challenged the conception of a national identity and citizenship. From Reconstruction to the modern day, this class will address these questions on immigration through a variety of analytical lenses, including race, gender, culture, labor, politics, and economics.
Field: United States. Markers: .GHP .GMO

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HIS 216-01 and -02 - Civilizations of Asia II

MWF 12:00-12:50 HYBRID
James Anderson

How is Modern East Asia "modern"? What do we mean by this term? Can we understand the recent history of the region, if we focus exclusively on the Asian response to the arrival of Western powers in the region? This course will examine political change, specifically the emergence of anti-colonial nationalist and communist movements, as well as related intellectual and social developments in East Asia since ca. 1800.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GMO .GN .IGS

The lecture portion of this class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:00-12:50. Smaller discussion groups meet on Fridays at 12:00-12:50 online.

216-01 - MW 12:00-12:50, F 12:00-12:50
216-02 - MW 12:00-12:50, F 12:00-12:50

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HIS 217 - The World of the Twentieth Century (1900-1945)

Political, social, and economic forces affecting Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. 1900-1945.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GMO .GN .IGS

80894 217-01 ONLINE Kimberly Cheek
80896 217-02 ONLINE Matthew Hintz

84652 217-03 ONLINE (restricted to distance students, second half of Fall semester) Chris Davis

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HIS 218 - The World since 1945

This class will examine global issues in the contemporary world, focusing mainly on the post-World War II period, from the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945, to the complex, high-tech, evolving world of today. We will examine some of the important political, economic, social, and cultural changes of the second half of the twentieth century and how these changes have shaped the world we live in today.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .GHP .GMO .GN .IGS

80897 218-01 ONLINE Connor Harney
80898 218-02 ONLINE Robert Andrew Bedingfield

84651 218-03 ONLINE (restricted to distance students, first half of Fall semester)Brian Suttell

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HIS 220-01 - The Ancient World

80899 ONLINE
Stephen Ruzicka

Early civilizations: Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman to Reign of Constantine.
Field: Europe. Markers: .ARC .GHP .GPM.

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HIS 221-01 - Medieval Legacy

80900 ONLINE
Caitlin Saraphis

Survey of Western European history from the end of the Roman Empire to the fifteenth century exploring such varied aspects of the medieval experience as pilgrimage, crusade, peasant life, the emergence of national states, and the rise of the university.
Field: Europe. Markers:.GHP.GL.GPM.

HIS 222 - Europe 1400-1789

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80902 MWF 11:00-11:50 HYBRID
Jodi Bilinkoff

Survey of major socio-economic, political, and cultural trends in Europe from the Renaissance to the French Revolution.
Field: Europe. Markers: .GHP .GL .GPM

HIS 223 - European Revolutions, 1789-1989

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81879 ONLINE
Teresa Walch

A survey of the political, social and cultural history of Europe from the time of the French Revolution to the fall of the Berlin wall. Emphasis will be placed on the political culture and the emergence of the great ideological systems of the West (e.g., liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, nationalism, and fascism) as well as how the borders and boundaries of Europe have changed over the last two hundred years with respect to class, race, gender and the nation state.
Field: Europe. Markers: .GHP .GL .GMO .IGS

HIS 308 - Navigating World History

80903 ONLINE
Steven Ruzicka

Pr. Social Studies Licensure candidates or permission of instructor

Introduction to and overview of world history, ca. 8000 B.C.E. to the present. Prepares Social Studies Licensure majors to teach world history at the middle grades and high school level.
Field: Wider World.

image used for decoration onlyHIS 315 - Witchcraft and Magic in European History

MW 2:00-3:15 HYBRID
Jodi Bilinkoff

You may have heard about the witchcraft trials in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. But, did you realize that by that time tens of thousands of people, mostly women, had been tried and executed as witches throughout western Europe? In this course we will examine the intellectual, religious, legal, and social factors that led to a "Witch Craze" in the period between 1480 and 1700. Field: Europe. Marker: .WGS

HIS 316 - Interpreting American History

TR 12:30-1:45 HYBRID
Thomas Jackson

Pr. Middle Grades or Secondary Social Studies Licensure candidates or permission of instructor

Examination of a broad variety of primary source evidence and historiographical methods for studying the American past from the colonial era through the twentieth century.
Field: United States.

HIS 328-01 - U.S. Women's History to 1865

TR 12:30-1:45 HYBRID
Mandy Cooper

A history of women in the U.S. to the Civil War. Topics include Native American gender systems, midwives, witchcraft, women's labor and education, families, slavery, and social reform.
Field: United States.

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HIS 333 - American Indian History to 1840

80907 ONLINE
Arlen Hanson

This course will be a survey of the history of First Peoples in the area now encompassed by the United States. Our analysis will begin with the first settlers--16,000+ years before the present--and conclude with the era of Indian Removal (1830s CE). This class is not a survey of European, and later American, engagements and interactions with Native Americans. Rather it seeks to assess the history of American Indians from their perspective and experience. In order to do this, students will be introduced to the field of Ethnohistory, in which our historical endeavors make use of the methods and insights of anthropology and archaeology, as well as traditional historical methods. Among the important themes and topics of this course with regard to First Peoples will be gender, slavery, pan-Indianism, and the environment.
Field: Wider World.

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HIS 340 - The United States since World War II

80909 MW 2:00-3:15 ONLINE
David Wight

With the end of World War II, Americans celebrated the defeat of fascism and a return to peacetime and a booming economy. In short order, however, new challenges and opportunities arose for the United States at home and abroad. In the following decades, Americans debated and acted upon these issues. The Democratic and Republican parties struggled over the direction of the country's political programs, with visions that ranged from Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society to Reaganomics. Activists contested the legal, social, and cultural standing of racial minorities, women, and the environment. And Americans grappled with how to wield US power abroad during the Cold War and the Global War on Terror. This course will look at these major events and the debates Americans had within them.
Field: United States.

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HIS 346 - Topics in Historical Memory: "LGBTQ History and Public Memory"

TR 11:00-12:15 ONLINE
Anne Parsons

In this interactive class, students will learn about the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual, and queer identities and people in the United States over the last 100 years. The class will explore how activists have reclaimed this history to advance the movement for equality and to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people. Students will also learn about controversies over public memory that have emerged over marking LGBTQ historic sites and teaching LGBTQ history in museums and K-12 schools.

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HIS 347 - History of North Carolina

347-01 TR 11:00-12:15 Christine Flood
(Speaking Intensive Section) Marker: .SI.

This survey course spans more than 400 years of state history - from colonization to the present. It is American history with the spotlight on North Carolina. Objectives of the course include an examination of:

  • when, how, and why North Carolina developed as it did.
  • How its actions and reactions were similar or different from the other states.
  • How the development of its economic, social, and political structure determines present-day North Carolina with special emphasis on such topics as: a) the economy b) politics c) race relations.
Field: United States.

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HIS 348 - The World at War 1914-1918

80913 ONLINE
Mark Moser

Origins, course, and impact of the First World War. Emphasis on political, social, and cultural as well as military perspectives.
Field: Europe.

HIS 377 - Russian History to 1900

MW 2:00-3:15 HYBRID
Jeff Jones

Introduction to old Russia of Kiev and Muscovy, followed by a more intensive survey of eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Field: Europe. Marker: .GPM.

HIS 380 - Topics in Near/Middle East: "Byzantium: The First Christian Empire"

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TR 12:30-1:45 HYBRID
Asa Eger

What is Late Antiquity? When does it begin? How similar or different was the Byzantine Empire from its Roman predecessor? This course will introduce students to the periods of Late Antiquity and Byzantium (337-850 C.E.) as a crucial period of history that witnessed large changes on every level of society in the transition from the classical to medieval worlds. The course will start with the Emperor Constantine and continue until the after the Age of Iconoclasm. The class will address larger topics in classical and early medieval history and question traditional views on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages, and Byzantium's relations with Islamic and 'barbarian' lands. The approach will be interdisciplinary, studying Byzantine political, socio-economic, and religious history. We will study topics in early Christianity, pilgrimage, and monasticism, urbanism, agriculture, and trade using a wide variety of primary and secondary sources, with equal emphasis on art, archaeology, and texts from the Byzantine Empire. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .ARC .IGS

HIS 391 - Historical Skills and Methods

TR 3:30-4:45 HYBRID
Thomas Jackson

Writing and Research Intensive. Restricted to history majors.

This is a required course for all history majors (except social studies concentration candidates who complete HIS 430 for research methods). It serves as a prerequisite for the capstone course in the major. Students in the course address a variety of research problems in history using different sources and methods in preparation for HIS 411. Formal goals include: analyzing varieties of primary and secondary source materials; designing a project focus; finding and evaluating appropriate sources; learning citation methods; understanding how historiography can guide us to significant questions and methods.
Marker: .WI

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HIS 403 - Topics in African American History: "Housing and the Politics of Urban Space on the Southern Landscape"

80919 R 2:00-4:50
Torren Gatson

Since the inception of America, shelter has been a fundamental principal of survival and simultaneously a marker for citizenship. This course discusses the turbulent history of African Americans and housing on the American landscape. Students will journey through the episodic history of African Americans and housing beginning at the conclusion of the Civil War and spanning the better part of the 20th century. At its core, this is a course designed to examine aspects of citizenship, sustainability, equity, and civil rights.
Field: United States. Markers: .ADS .IGS
Crosslisted with HIS 502.

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HIS 411A - Seminar in Historical Research and Writing: "The Black 70s"

80920 T 4:00-6:50
Watson Jennison
Writing and Speaking Intensive. Prerequisite: HIS 391.

This class will investigate the decade following the peak of the civil rights movement, a period that has largely been overshadowed by the tumult and fame of the preceding years. The 1970s were a time of dramatic change for black Americans as they sought to capitalize on the hard-fought victories of the previous two decades. Popular depictions of black culture in the 1970s revolve around black power, dashikis, and afros. We will move beyond the clichés and stereotypes connected with this period to investigate the ways in which blacks translated the legislative victories of the civil rights era into reality. In this course, students will write an article-length paper that examines a problem of their choosing from this critical period in American history.
Field: United States. Markers: .WI .SI.

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HIS 411B - Seminar in Historical Research and Writing: "The Great Irish Famine"

80922 MW 3:30-4:45
Jill Bender

Writing and Speaking Intensive. Prerequisite: HIS 391.

During the mid-nineteenth century, Ireland suffered a series of famines that decimated the island's population—in less than one decade, from 1846 to 1855, between 1.1 and 1.5 million people died at the hands of starvation or disease and another 2.1 million emigrated. The difficulties of these years were captured at the time and later recalled through art, literature, music, and more. Indeed, few (if any) events have had a larger impact on Irish history, politics, or national memory than "The Great Hunger." This course is designed to introduce students to the history of the Irish Famine and its repercussions. Together, we will examine the broad political, social, and cultural impacts of the Famine. Individually, students will conceptualize, research, and write papers on a related topic of their own choosing.
Field: Europe. Markers: .WI .SI.

HIS 411C - Seminar in Historical Research and Writing: "Popular Protest in Chinese History

80923 MW 3:30-4:45 ONLINE
James Anderson

Writing and Speaking Intensive. Prerequisite: HIS 391.

This course will examine the nature of popular protest in Chinese history. Topics examined during the semester will include the role religion played as a source of social volatility in traditional Chinese culture and society, peasant revolutions, the May Fourth Movement, popular protest in the rise of nationalism and communism, and domestic political protest since the 1949 founding of the People's Republic of China. Most importantly, students in this course will be responsible for individual research projects, for which they will locate and use historical source materials, written and oral, published and unpublished. Comparing and analyzing a variety of primary source materials, students will write their own histories of Chinese popular protest and in the end develop their skills in observing societies with different origins than their own.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .WI .SI.

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HIS 414 - World History Topics: "Social History in Global Perspective"

80924 ONLINE
Colleen Kriger

Students in this course will examine selected readings in social history as windows onto what is useful and distinctive about the 'new' global history. The mid-twentieth century saw transformations in scholarship and teaching of history which brought to the fore important thematic approaches such as social history, gender, area studies, slavery, environmental history, and others. Overarching and incorporating such themes brought new kinds of historical perspective and practice. World historians focus on comparisons, connections, and networks viewed in large scale or over long time periods. Over the semester we will explore and understand the 'global' as an alternative to Eurocentric and 'presentist' conceptions of the human past.
Field: Wider World. Markers: .ADS .IGS
Crosslisted with HIS 514.

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HIS 424 - 20th Century U.S. History: "U.S.-Middle East Relations"

80925 MW 3:30-4:45 ONLINE
David Wight

This course is centered on two key questions: how did relations between the United States and the Middle East, which were largely peripheral to each other's interests and concerns at the end of the 18th century, change to become so important and intertwined in the present, and what have been the consequences of this process of interaction and change? While the questions are simple, the answers are rich and complex, involving issues that include military and geopolitical power, economic interests, culture, religion, ideology, transnational communities, and historical memory.
Field: United States
Crosslisted with HIS 524.

HIS 440 - Principles and Practices of Teaching History

81013 MW 2:00-3:15 ONLINE
Lisa Tolbert
Pr. Middle Grades or Secondary Social Studies Licensure candidates who have completed HIS 308, 316, and one other 300-level History elective for a total of 9 s.h., or permission of instructor.

This course is especially designed for students who are concentrating in social studies and plan to engage in teaching as a career. As an aspiring educator, how will you instill in your students a sense of the value and relevance of thinking historically in the 21st century? How do people learn history? Is there something distinctive about learning history compared to learning other academic subjects? This course will introduce you to the growing scholarship that addresses the distinctive challenges of teaching and learning history as both a subject and a discipline.

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HIS 446 - Topics in American Cultural History: "Doing Spatial History: Spaces of Consumption"

81014 MW 3:30-4:45 ONLINE
Lisa Tolbert

On the afternoon of February 1, 1960 four African American students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College sat down at the Woolworth's whites-only lunch counter in downtown Greensboro and sparked a national movement to desegregate public spaces of consumption. This course will apply methods of spatial analysis to explore how power relationships have been constructed and contested in physical consumer landscapes of the twentieth century, with particular attention to race and gender. From the machine age chain stores of the early twentieth century to our contemporary age of surveillance capitalism, we will study how landscapes designed for mass consumption were created as a social process that reshaped consumer behaviors and identities. The struggle for democracy has played out not only in the voting booth but also at the lunch counter and in the shopping line.
Field: United States.
Crosslisted with HIS 546.

HIS 451-01 - Gender and History: "Women and Politics in U.S. History"

TR 3:30-4:45
Mandy Cooper

This course examines the history of women's involvement in politics in the United States from the founding to the present. Women of all ethnicities, races, classes, and sexualities have always been involved in politics through a wide range of political activities - as citizens, voters, activists. This course will examine women's historical role in the political process, the different ways that women have engaged as political actors (even when disenfranchised), and the issues that became defined as women's issues.
Field: United States.
Crosslisted with HIS 551.

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